Connect via your news items and press releases. Create a buzz that promotes your business.

Press releases that connect
Publish your news based on the preferences of your audience
Extensive distribution capabilities
Press releases that reach all channels
Irrespective of whether you want to distribute your news via email, web, social channels or networks, you can reach all your target audience simultaneously with our user-friendly tool.
Connect with the right recipient
You can use our solutions across a wide variety of distribution channels to connect locally, nationally or globally to the target recipient.
Support with sending out tailored mailshots – Support 24/7
We ensure that your press releases and news items go out on time and verify it is the correct recipient before it is sent.

A place in which to accommodate all your news items
Your own digital newsroom at Cision News

Create distribution profiles for rapid mail-outs
Analyse the broadcasting of your news

Cision has an easy-to-use mailshot tool. To meet stock exchange requirements, we send out all our sensitive exchange information via Cision and we know with whom and when we are communicating. This includes NASDAQ OMX and a variety of news agencies, as well as our Facebook and Twitter accounts. We also have a direct link to our website so that our press releases are automatically posted there too.
Ulrica Nystrom Bertilsson
Marketing & Sales Coordinator, Sensys Traffic AB