Cision is a reliable platform for our external news distribution and media monitoring needs. Their services have consistently met our expectations and we appreciate the dedication from the Cision team to always deliver customer satisfaction.
Caroline Örmgård
Head of Public & Media Relations at Getinge

Accessible, courteous and competent support is what I appreciate most about Cision.
Viktor Wallström
PR Manager, Tele2

What I appreciate most about Cision is having a committed contact person responsive to my views, and a service that is reliable and fast.
Hannelore Söderberg
IR Officer, Indutrade AB

What I appreciate most about Cision is that I am able to communicate our messages with relevant recipients, extremely rapidly and with very little effort.
Louise Hagsten
Marketing Manager, Söderberg & Partners

Cision has an easy-to-use mailshot tool. To meet stock exchange requirements, we send out all our sensitive exchange information via Cision and we know with whom and when we are communicating. This includes NASDAQ OMX and a variety of news agencies, as well as our Facebook and Twitter accounts. We also have a direct link to our website so that our press releases are automatically posted there too.
Ulrica Nystrom Bertilsson
Marketing & Sales Coordinator, Sensys Traffic AB

As a publicly listed company, being able to send out press releases quickly, easily and in accordance with the Swedish FSA rules on price sensitive information is of vital importance to us. And this works extremely well using Cision. I’d also like to blow the trumpet for their seminars, surveys of journalists and nourishing newsletters.
Johanna Snickars
Public Relations Manager, Nordnet

We appreciate Cision, as a partner who is both reliable and service-minded.
Tarja Roghult
Executive Assistant / IR Coordinator, Poolia